Parliamentary panel recommends GoI to introduce a Digital Competition Act to regulate the digital ecosystem


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Bhubaneswar: In view of few large companies dominating the vast swathes of the digital ecosystem, the parliamentary standing committee on finance has recommended the government of India to introduce a digital Competition Act to ensure a fair, transparent and contestable digital ecosystem.

The new regulation will be a boon not only for our country and its nascent start-up economy but also the entire world, the standing committee has opined.

The standing committee has recommended this in its report on ‘anti-competitive practices by big tech-companies.’

The standing committee has also suggested revamping of the Competition Commission of India (CCI) to meet the requirements of restraining anti-competitive behavior in the digital markets.  The committee has specifically suggested that a specialized digital markets unit be established within the CCI staffed with skilled experts, academics and attorneys enabling the commission to closely monitor large dominant players and emerging players.

Batting for platform neutrality the panel opined that large dominant players or SIDIs (Systematically important digital intermediaries) must not favour its own offers over the offers of its competitors when mediating access to supply and sales markets in particular when presenting its own offers in a more favourable manner and when exclusively pre-installing its own offers on devices or integrating them in any other way in offers provided by the platform.

To read the complete report click here 

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