Biznextindia : After one week delay, the South-West Monsoon has finally hit Kerala on Saturday. All districts of states are currently getting heavy rain. Both the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) and private sector weather information provider Skymet have confirmed that the conditions are favourable for further advancement of the Monsoon to all parts of Kerala and some part of Tamilnadu and some more parts of the North-East.
“In view of the enhanced cloudiness, strengthening of westerlies and persistent cyclonic circulation in the lower & mid-levels over Lakshadweep area and neighbourhood, the Southwest monsoon has further advanced into some more parts of South Arabian Sea, most parts of Lakshadweep area, some parts of Kerala & south Tamil Nadu, remaining parts of Comorin – Maldives area, some more parts of Southwest, Southeast & Eastcentral Bay of Bengal and some parts of Northeast Bay of Bengal. Thus the Southwest monsoon has set in over Kerala, today, the 08th June 2019, against the normal date of 1st June.” IMD said.
“Conditions are favorable for further advance of Southwest Monsoon into remaining parts of South Arabian Sea, Lakshadweep area & Kerala, some more parts of Tamil Nadu, Southwest, Southeast, Eastcentral & Northeast Bay of Bengal and some parts of Central Arabian Sea and Westcentral Bay of Bengal during next 48 hours” the IMD bulletin added.