New Delhi: The Election Commission of India announced that the dates for the Lok Sabha elections 2024 will be announced at 3 pm on Saturday. In an update posted on X (previously known as Twitter) this afternoon, the ECI also stated that the dates for Assembly elections in four states , slated to occur concurrently, will also be announced.
Upon the announcement of the dates, the Model Code of Conduct will be enforced. In the previous 2019 election, which spanned from April 11 to May 19 across seven phases, results were declared four days later.
Press Conference by Election Commission to announce schedule for #GeneralElections2024 & some State Assemblies will be held at 3 pm tomorrow ie Saturday, 16th March. It will livestreamed on social media platforms of the ECI
— Spokesperson ECI (@SpokespersonECI) March 15, 2024
The upcoming elections in April/May are anticipated in Arunachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, and Sikkim, while Maharashtra, Haryana, and Jharkhand are expected to vote later in the year. Additionally, as per a Supreme Court directive to conduct Assembly polls by September 30 as a preliminary measure towards reinstating statehood, Jammu and Kashmir, along with Ladakh, are also slated to participate.