Mumbai: Ahead of RBI governor’s press meet markets opened the day with a positive note. While S&P BSE Sensex surged over 1000 points, the NSE Nifty-50 regained the 9000 mark in the opening session. By 10 am Sensex was at 30882.51 points, up by 935 points or 3% and Nifty slipped below 8900 mark to 8966 points, up 325 points.
At Nifty, while 43 stocks have advanced, 8 stocks have declined. Nifty bank index has gained over 8 points. While, the top gainers at NSE are Indusind Bank, Axis Bank, SBI and Bajaj Finance, top losers are Heromoto, Bajaj Auto,Bharti Airtel, HCL Tech. RBI government Shaktikant Das is scheduled to address the media at 10 am today.